Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Google LatLong: Vancouver in 3D

Google just loaded up a 3D building layer of Vancouver into Google Earth.

Way cool guys!

Google LatLong: Vancouver in 3D

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Presentation at MoMoVan

Over the last seven months, I've had a the great pleasure to build an iPhone application for Canpages. This all came about from meeting Olivier Vincent at Mobile Mondays Vancouver, a WINBC event that happens every first monday of the month.

Here's a video produced by Bruce Sharpe, of myself recounting our experience:

- Aaron.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Canpages Live on iPhone App Store

We've been pretty quiet these past few months.

Why pray tell? We were off building a major application for our client Canpages. This was a HUGE deal for us! Getting an opportunity to build the iphone software infrastructure we need for CellMap on iPhone, paid, and jump-started with wicked tools on Canpage's servers. It's been a real joy working for Olivier and David over at Canpages. This is just the begining. We've scheduled in some pretty cool new technology developments in the near future.

Check out Canpages on the App Store Canpages Icon

- Aaron